The Birth Collective

Calling all soon to be first time mamas…

Own Your Birth and Embrace Your Journey

You want to feel educated, organized, and in charge of your birth plan, but instead, you feel stressed and overwhelmed…

I have a solution! The Birth Collective will teach you everything you need to know to have a really freaking good hospital birth. Join hundreds of others as we walk this path TOGETHER!

Are you…

  • Anxious about the unknowns of birth?

  • Scared of labor pain?

  • Not wanting an unnecessary c-section?

  • Sick of googling everything?

  • Not sure how to communicate your birth wishes with your OB/Midwife?

  • Wanting to know which hospital policies and procedures you an opt out of?

  • Craving a community of likeminded soon to be mamas in the same season as you?

Then this is the perfect birth course for YOU!

The Birth Collective will help you…

  • Be fully educated on what to expect and how to prepare for birth and postpartum

  • Know which hospital interventions you may want to OPT out of

  • Prepare for ANY kind of birth scenario (unmedicated, epidural, cesarean, induction)

  • Get organized with checklists, templates, and cheat sheets

  • Have a prepared partner who knows how to support you during labor

  • Overcome your fears of labor pain

  • Know how to build a CLEAR birth plan and communicate it to your OB/nurses

Let’s Be Honest

Just showing up to the hospital unprepared MOST OF THE TIME is a bad idea! Birth is not one size fits all, and you can’t know what kind of birth you want until you take the time to learn!

Your birth is YOURS. It’s unique, and one of a kind. What’s best for other mamas may not be best for you! You get to decide. This is your day!! Taking the time to learn and prepare is 10000% worth it.

This course is designed to accomplish JUST that.

To fully educate yourself on pregnancy, birth, and postpartum so that you feel less anxious and overwhelmed.

What you can experience in The Birth Collective

To learn how to cope with labor pain and strengthen your mindset - whether you want an epidural or not.

To be able to use this course and these guides to help prepare your partner to be the best support person and know exactly what to do.

“Your were very knowledgeable and a great source for information without pushing your own opinions. I felt very confident and at ease leading up to labor and delivery.”

“As first time parents, my husband and I had a great experience with Julie! We took her childbirth class, which was very informative, and she presented the content in a laidback and professional way.”

“Overwhelmed doesn’t even begin to explain how I felt when I found out I was pregnant for the first time. Your course is perfect for calming those worries and would have saved me from my late night googling!”

A peek inside…

When you join us, you get SO much more than a birth course. I know what it’s like to feel alone and overwhelmed in pregnancy AND postpartum, so we’re building a community and walking this journey TOGETHER.

Meet Your Instructor

I’m Julie. A birth doula, childbirth educator, mama, and wife.

I have seen countless incredible childbirth courses that focus on having an unmedicated and natural birth, but none that were specifically about having an empowering and autonomous HOSPITAL birth.

As a doula, 90% of my clients feel most comfortable having their baby in the hospital. That was also the route I personally chose! With this comes a deep need for education, advocacy, and a clear plan. I knew that I had the stories, experience, and passion to create a course specifically for mamas like YOU!

I love birth. I love babies. I love helping mamas feel less scared and more empowered. I want you to know that you can love birth and ROCK it! So let’s do that together in

The Birth Collective!

When you join The Birth Collective, you are getting an ALL ENCOMPASSING childbirth education course that will fully set you up for an empowering and autonomous hospital birth.

You are getting lifetime access to 8 full modules packed with video lessons, free downloads, planning templates, and Ebooks. Go back and reference anytime you need - even during your next pregnancy!

You are also getting The Birth Collective community for FREE. Weekly live trainings by birth professionals + birth prep videos + new mama friends and so so much more.

There is no other birth course like this out there. Hop into The Birth Collective... you will NOT look back!

Money - Back Guarantee

We fully believe that The Birth Collective will meet your expectations and help you feel educated, prepared, and ready to rock your labor. If you are not satisfied with your results, we will fully refund you if you let us know within 30 days of your purchase. 


  • We prepare for big things in life. Vacations, weddings, parties... the day you give birth is no different. There are things that can greatly improve your experience if you are fully educated. Knowing what to expect, what your body is going to do, and how to handle & prepare for it is a GREAT investment.

  • It doesn’t hurt to take it, but more often than not it’s a boring and generic “one size fits all” type class. They commonly have an emphasis on hospital policies and are quite biased to the specific hospital. This course will teach you updated evidence based info that will help you make the choices that are right for you and your baby. PLUS you can go at your own pace, connect with an awesome community, and so much more!

  • 100%. Often with epidurals, there are more interventions that are thrown your way. It’s important and helpful to know how to navigate those! There’s still so much to learn about birth when getting an epidural!

  • You can! But more often than not, mamas don’t have great birth stories when they don’t do their own research and education. There are hospital policies that may be pushed on you EVEN if they’re not in your favor. When you know what’s going on and what you want to OPT out of, you can feel confident making your own decisions.

  • Totally up to you! There are 8 modules and several short video lessons within each module. I made them short and sweet so that they are easy to digest, go back and reference, or binge! You could compete it in a couple days, or spread it out. Totally up to you!

  • Possibly! More and more insurance companies are covering birth ed, so just call the number on the back of your card and ask!

  • 100%. There are videos that are specifically for partner support along with cheat sheets and PDF downloads for easy referencing.

  • An incredible online community within our Birth Collective FB Group + Live Weekly Trainings from Birth Professionals + Checklists + To Do Lists + Planning Templates + Birth Preference Template + Freezer Meals Ebook + Birthy DIY’s Ebook + Pain Coping Cheat Sheets + Breastfeeding/Bottle feeding support and SO MUCH MORE!